Sunday, April 1, 2012

April already!

Hello all,

I can't believe it is April already! Time really has been flying by. Spring break came and went and now school starts again tomorrow. I do not feel that I got to rest as much as I wanted, and I definitely have a lot of planning to do today. The weather is still incredible!

We started out break by driving to Nashville. We ate out at Sperry's for Matt's birthday-yum! Reina and I got pedicures and that was nice. I also finished my 7th book of the year-Hole In My Life by Jack Gantos. A fast, easy read about a boy who makes a bad choice and ends up in prison because of it. Enlightening and I believe a good read for my students.

I drove home on Monday and got to spend a lot of quality time with my mom, which was great! We did a few crafts, and I am itching to do more! We started a scrapbook for the wedding photos and I want to get back and help finish it! We also made a camera strap cover which I am just about obsessed with. It took a few tries, but we got it right eventually.

I also got to spend a lot of time with baby Tommy. He is growing so fast and I just can't believe it. When Cyril was little, I got to see him all the time. I pretty much saw all of his developments until he turned 5. Now, he is also growing so fast and is so smart. I felt this time when I was home that he is more distant from me, which I am sure is because I am not around, and it made me sad.

Something nice from last week was that I got to see a few of my good friends from home. Krislyn, Alyssa, and Jen came over for dinner. I am so thankful for these girls and wish we could see each other more often. But our times together are special to say the least.

Matt and I drove to St. Louis on Friday and got to spend time with Glenn and Nancy, who are a lot of fun. They took us out to eat and we got to go to Ted Drewes, a staple of STL. It was so delicious!!! Matt's interview went well and we will find out about the job next week--fingers crossed.

Now to get through another week of school before heading off to Iowa to see my grandparents. I hope the weather holds! We went biking yesterday and may go again today. I just ordered a lot of photos from walgreens to update my album and also to finally make a honeymoon album. Took my long enough!!

Special Congrats go out to Tim Miller and Katie Vogt on their engagement!!!

Have a nice week!

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