Friday, November 23, 2012

Let the holiday season begin!

Yesterday was really nice and I hope you got to have a great time, too! I helped mom bake p
Most of thanksgiving dinner....I'm glad Matt does most of the cooking :) the pumpkin pie was delicious. Today we started putting out the Christmas things around the house. Dad bought a tree for the living room and it smells so good! I can't wait to get back to Columbia for Matt and I can put up our own tree. It is my most favorite part of Christmas and the month of December. Here are just a few photos I took yesterday.
In other news, I only have three books for read to reach my goal of thirty for this year! I plan to do a few posts this month of crafts and food. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the holiday!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!

Be back tomorrow with more photos from today. Hope you have a wonderful day :)